Friday, December 30, 2005

We were busy girls last night (this morning)

So Beth said I had to post these from our "Adventure"...It was great fun! If only Megan didn't have to leave...

This one was for Drew Piechke (sp?)

Merry Christmas Adam !!!

Megan did the shaving cream!!

Uhh...I dont even know what to say about this one...

She is my best friend.

It was awesome.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

University of Destruction

Okay, I just finished reading my second book while on break. The first was Invisible Man (for school), but the second one was one Megan lent to me the other day, University of Destruction. Has anyone else ever read this? It made me think a lot. There are so many things that go into choosing a college...a lot more than I imagined.

Monday, December 26, 2005


Since Xanga said I couldn't post anymore pictures this month, I made one of these. It doesn't mean I will be able to keep it up though. Christmas was nice, but Im glad it's over. It just makes me really tired. This is what my house looks like when christmas explodes...

Yeah...It was a mess! My favorite gift was the gift from the Morris' ... Mr. Morris made it. I guess im a sucker for homemade gifts. All in all, I had a great christmas. I love seeing my family and friends too!!!!