I went to CANADA on Sunday for the first time ever...
...and I went on FOOT!!! not many people can make that claim. I can because I ran into Canada for the Detroit Half Marathon...half marathon numero dos! The race course went over the Ambassador bridge (miles 3 and 4) int canada, and through the Windsor Tunnel (miles 8 and 9) back into the states. It was a thrill for sure!
I do have to say that the Traverse City Half was a more comfortable race all around. There were 200 runners total in that one, but in Detroit there were over 19,000 runners. It never thinned out the entire time I was running. The weather was nicer too. TC was low to mid 60' s and sunny, while Detroit was in the 50's with wind gusts reaching 30 mph! My time this time around was 2 hours and 33 minutes...23 minutes slower than last time. I only had to stop once to go to the bathroom and I didn't pee my pants this time!! That was exciting!
the best part of the weekend was Megan coming with me. It took us awhile to find the expo and the hotel, but we eventually found it.We had a great evening of pools, jacuzii's, and pot (the game, not the substance.)
Here are some pictures of pot:
Let me explain pot. It is a simple game played with friends and a digital camera. To play, you must find a flat surface and set the camera on it. Then , set the self timer. Once the timer is set, resume your position with your friends and JUMP!! The results are HILARIOUS pictures that will make you and your friends laugh, cry and possibly pee your pants. Thus the name 'Le Pot'...which is also known as the potty in french. Variations can be played anywhere...in a pool, on a trampoline, on a hotel bed as seen here, or anywhere else desired!
Although it was a hard race, and probably my last half marathon, Megan made it more fun!!